James F. Twyman
Author, Filmmaker, Musician. James Twyman is The New York Times bestselling author of fifteen books, including Emissary of Light, The Moses Code, and Barn Dance. In 1994 he put peace prayers from the twelve major religions to music and began traveling the world as The Peace Troubadour, often being invited by world leaders and peace organizations to perform the concert in countries at war. He has performed in some of the most dangerous and war-ravaged areas in the world including Bosnia, Iraq, Serbia, South Africa, Israel, Northern Ireland, and many other places.
An accomplished musician, James has produced seven music CDs and is the producer/director of five films, including the award-winning Indigo and most recently, Redwood Highway.
He is the founder of The Beloved Community, a network of spiritual peace ministers around the world united in the belief that a world based on peace and divine connection is not only possible but is our birthright and humanity’s destiny. He also founded The Seminary of Spiritual Peacemaking, which has graduated and ordained over five hundred ministers.
Twyman believes that a shift in the consciousness of humanity begins with the self first, so that it can then, ripple out into the world around us. As he so eloquently states ” we are each responsible for creating a peaceful world”.
For more information go to jamestwyman.com.